Hey Guys, wondering why I am here once again with this “factorial” thing? You will get to know it in no time..just keep reading! Let’s calculate some of the factorials:

1! = 1 2! = 2 3! = 6 4! = 24 5! = 120 6! = 720

well there is no problem, isn’t it? Continue then…

7! = 5040 8! = 40320

Now let’s look at 21! It is 51090942171709440000

Here comes the problem, in languages like C we need to keep an eye on the size of the variables. Even if we try storing the factorial in a long long int variable, it wont solve our problem. So what’s the solution? Think,think… Well , it’s to use a character array. Let me show you how to do it, check out the code below:

# include<stdio.h>

int factorial(int number){
	int j = 0;				/* 	Used as loop variable				*/
	int i = 0;				/* 	Used for filling the array			*/
	int index = 0;				/* 	To keep track of the index of the array		*/
	int temp = 0;				/* 	Temporary variable used to hold diff values	*/
	int carry = 0;				/*	Used to hold carry				*/
	char arr[200];				/*	Used to store factorial				*/
	if (number <= 0)	
		return 1;
	for(i = 0 ; i < 200 ; i++)
		arr[i] = 0;
	i = 0;
	temp = number;
	/* 	Putting the number in the character array 	*/
	while (temp != 0){
		arr[i++] = temp % 10;
		temp /= 10;
	index = i;
	for ( j = number - 1 ; j > 1 ; j-- ) {		
		i = 0;	
		do {
			temp = arr[i] * j + carry;
			arr[i] = temp % 10;			
			carry = temp / 10;
		} while(carry > 0 || i < index);
		index = i;	
	/* 	Printing array in reverse order			*/
	printf("Factorial of %d is : ",number);
	for (i =index - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
	return 0;

int main(){
    /*		Declaring variables				*/
    int num;
    /*		Asking and scanning input			*/
    printf("Enter a number : ");
    /*		Passing number to the function			*/
    return 0;

The output wil be as :

Enter a number : 21
Factorial of 21 is : 51090942171709440000

Let me explain you the working of the factorial(int). As discussed earlier I have used character array arr[] for calculating the factorial, one digit at each index in reverse order.

First of all if the number is less than or equal to 0 we will simply return as there is no point in calculating its factorial. Next I have stored a ‘0’ at all the indices of arr in order to avoid any absurd value using the for loop.(You will get to know the reason later on) After that there is a while loop which I have used to store the number in the arr in the reverse order. Suppose the user wants the factorial of 21,then we will have the following values in our array: arr[0] = 1, arr[1] = 2 Also we need to keep track of the index till where we have a valid value. Now we are going to calculate the factorial, i.e. 21 * 20 * 19 ….* 2 * 1

The for loop

What I am gonna do is to loop through the number-1 (20) till 2. In this loop, I will multiply the number that is stored in the array to the loop variable (j) and store the result back in the character array(again digit wise and in reverse order). For instance, in the first iteration of for loop, what I have done is that I have multiplied 21(arr) by 20(j) and stored the result back in arr[] , the values will be as: arr[0] = 0, arr[1] = 2, arr[2] = 4, (remember reverse order?)

Now lets understand how this 12 became 024 (reverse of 420 (21*20))

The do-while loop.

Look at the following line: temp = arr[i] * j + carry; (1 * 20 + 0) Here, temp is used to temporarily hold the value of the product of the last digit(1) and the iteration variable j(20). The result comes out to be 20.Next , arr[i] = temp % 10 stores the last digit of temp variable in the first index of arr, i.e., 0 will be stored at arr[0]. carry = temp / 10 stores the remaining digits(2) of the value of temp variable,i.e., 2 will be stored in carry. After this, we’ll do an i++ (i becomes 1) in order to keep record of number of digits that have been multiplied in this iteration. while(carry > 0 || i < index) line checks if we have multiplied j with all the digits of the arr or not. Notice the carry > 0 statement, it is to check whether there is any carry left or not. And since we have a carry ‘2’ we’ll again enter the while loop and this time, temp = arr[i] * j + carry; (2 * 20 + 2) stores 42 in temp. Hence, arr[i] = temp % 10 will store 2 at a[1] and carry = temp / 10 will store 4 in carry which, in the next iteration of while, will be stored at a[2](try a dry run in your mind to picture how this wil happen). Therefore, coming out of the do-while loop at this time, the values of arr will be as follows: arr[0] = 0, arr[1] = 2, arr[2] = 4 and carry = 0 and at this point we’ll update the value of index also.

Likewise each value of jis multiplied in the value stored in arr.

Lastly, after coming out of the for loop we have to print the number stored in the arr, but remember in the reverse order, starting from index-1 to 0.

And that’s it, now you can calculate factorial of any number, and if you want you can even increase the size of arr and now, even more bigger numbers. Easy it was..isn’t it?