I was trying to backup my home server when I saw my sister’s folder had around 300GB worth of files, and since she had migrated/upgraded to different machines over time and finally moved all the data over to the home server. I knew some(~50GB) of that would be duplicate files.
So on a weekend, I decide to clean up some of that duplicate data before backing it up and start paying for it....
Snake Game
In one of the online coding interviews I was given a problem to create a snake game we all played in old days. The problem statement was something like this given the moves you have to determine after how many moves the snake will eat himself. I was able to solve the problem, but as I was solving it I was thinking "can I can give this code a little more life with javascript"...
Game of Life
The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. for more detail check Wikipedia In short, the game is a 2D grid that has the following rules Game Rules Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation....
Serverless Invoice Generation
One of my non-techie friends was starting a new business and he wanted an Invoicing System. he reached out to me hoping that I can help him with a small website or app
Open Source Software to rescue If this was me a couple of years earlier I would have started the typical Software Development Life Cycle for a new project, but this new me is lazy. So, I searched the web to find a decent open-source project that can fulfil his needs for now, I came across this project it looked very interesting to me, it was using LaTeX to generate the invoice since I had no experience in the tools I refrained to use it (although I would love to explore it)....